New Roadside Tech Can Improve Quality of Polluted Air by 99%

A new technology promises to suck exhaust pollution away from the road and into a cleaning unit to dramatically improve air quality.

Pollution Solution’s patented technology can capture harmful and toxic air at the kerb. before carrying it away to a series of partially-submerged pods installed in the centre of the roadway.

These pods are connected by underground pipes to the cleaning units. which are able to remove 99% of the harmful particles. such as particulate matter. nitrogen oxide. carbon monoxide. hydrocarbons and ozone.

The technology is said to be best-suited to hotspot areas of high pollution with slow-moving or stationary traffic.

The roadside air cleaning units need to be cleaned between every three months to a year. depending on location.

The firm behind the technology says the system is quick and economical to install – they add it is ready to be subjected to final approval testing prior to installation in the public domain.

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