Green Light for World’s First LNG-Powered Shallow Water Pushboat Design

Rolls-Royce and Canadian vessel designers Robert Allan have been given the green light for their design of what is claimed to be the world’s first shallow water push boat powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG) engines.

They companies say the new design. developed for use on inland waterways. is more cost-effective to operate and produces less pollutants than vessels with conventional propulsion systems.

Classification society DNV GL gave its Approval in Principle to the new design. certifying that it complies with its rules for classification of maritime vessels and the international safety regulations for vessels using gas or other low-flashpoint fuels.

It is an independent evaluation of the design concept within a given framework and states the design is fundamentally feasible.

DNV GL estimates natural gas to cover more than 40% to 80% of all vessel propulsion power requirements by 2050.

Christof von Bank. Director of Sales. Marine &amp. Offshore Americas said: The interest of the market regarding the design study of Robert Allan and Rolls-Royce confirms that the decision was right to develop a lean-burn gas engine. We have found operators across the globe who have seen the benefits of operational costs in addition to the reduction of environmental impact.

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