Iran Jumps up 55 Steps in Innovation. Enjoys Largest Startup in Region

We have been able to climb up 55 steps in the innovation index and there will be good things to happen for our country`s ecosystem and we hope to embrace much success in this field in future. Sattari said. addressing a news conference in Tehran on Sunday.

He also hailed rapid expansion of the country`s knowledge-based businesses and companies. saying. An oceania-Iran startup network is to be created that will center on Iran. Iran has the largest startup in the region after our good plans in this field in the past few years.

Iran has made huge progress in different sciences and technologies in recent years.

Sattari announced early in December that Iran stood atop the nations of the region in the production of science and technology. 

Now. Iran ranks first in the region in science and technology. Sattari said. addressing a forum on stem cells in Tehran.

He also referred to Iran`s huge progress in the field of stem cells. and said that the country had been able to take over Turkey and Israel in this field.

Sattari underscored that Iran`s progress in the field of stem cells and regenerative medicine had opened a door to the development of knowledge-based economy.

Also. last June. Sattari underlined that Iran`s international ranking in science production had risen from 34th to 16th.

Iran ranks first in West Asia in terms of science output with the number of its college students rising to 4.8 million from 2.4 million. Sattari said. addressing the second Iran-Europe Cooperation Conference in Brussels. Belgium.

He reiterated that Iran had made great progress in the fields of biotechnology. renewable energy. nanotechnology and stem cells.

Sattari said that there were 47 million internet users in Iran who constitute nearly half of the total Internet users in the Middle East. and added. Iran ranks first in the Middle East for production of biological drugs.

He said that Iran had one of the most successful biotech companies with young and skilled staff aged 33 on the average which exported biological drugs to 10 countries.

Of 39 technology parks existing in Iran. Pardis Park is one of the largest in West Asia which houses 200 companies and some of them export advanced technological products. he added.

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