Parvin Faghfouri Azar

Global LNG Market must Bide Its Time for Price Gains

One of the world’s fastest-growing commodity markets is under great pressure — but it’s healthy. LNG prices are depressed amid destruction in demand, in large part due to the Covid-19 pandemic stalling the global economy. The first big economic punch to the LNG gut started with swathes of virus cases …

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Russia Expects Balance in Oil Demand in May and June

Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak expressed hope on Wednesday about a balance in the demand for oil in May and June, although he said that there is no point in predicting future prices. Novak noted that in May or June, several nations are expected to lift the restrictions imposed by …

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OPEC Oil Supply Surges Ahead of New Cut

OPEC oil supply in April is at its highest since December 2018, a company that tracks oil shipments said on April 28, as producers pump at will before a new supply-limiting pact takes effect in May. The month-on-month increase is more than 2 MMbbl/d, Daniel Gerber, CEO of Geneva-based Petro-Logistics, …

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The Global Market for Natural Gas is Imploding

While everyone is understandably watching the meltdown in the crude oil market, the global market for natural gas is also cratering. At least 20 cargoes of U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) have been cancelled by buyers in Asia and Europe, according to Reuters. The global pandemic and the unfolding economic …

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Iran’s Non-Oil Exports to Iraq Increase

Iran’s non-oil exports to Iraq are reported to have increased by 0.7 percent. For the Iranian calendar year 1398 (ended on March 19), non-oil export to Iraq hit $8.9 billion, according to a deputy with the country’s Trade Promotion Organization (TPO). Tehran Times reports that medicines and medical equipment, plastic …

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