Caretaker of Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade announced on Sunday that Iran has planned to export 41 billion dollars’ worth of non-oil goods by the end of the Iranian year on March 20, 2021.
Despite the sanctions and coronavirus pandemic, Iran will experience growth in its non-oil exports, Hossein Modares Khiabani said at formal session of the Parliament this morning.
Elaborating on destinations of the Iranian exports, the official said that 60 percent of the country’s non-oil products are exported to 15 neighboring states.
Since its outbreak in December 2019, coronavirus pandemic has created obstacles to world trade and exchanges. In many countries, social distancing rules and health protocols are being followed as preventive measures to deal with the deadly virus which has killed over 516,000 in different parts of the world.
About closure of borders after the outbreak of the coronavirus, the official said that 80 percent of the border crossings have opened and trade exchange are normal now.
Meanwhile, the official said that coronavirus pandemic has affected over 33 percent of global trade.
Iranian reliance on non-oil exports is a policy in line with order of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei on importance of strengthening trade exchange with China and India, the ministry caretaker noted.
To follow “Surge in Production” as it was stressed by the Leader on the first day of Iranian year, March 21, the Ministry of Trade is to launch industrial units and make use of the capacities of the knowledge-based companies, Modares Khiabani said.
Talking about restrictions created for Iran after the outbreak of the coronavirus in the country in late February, the official said Iran was importer of equipment needed for fighting the virus on the early days, but now the country is exporter of such equipment.
In May, Iranian officials announced that the country has exported two cargoes of serology test kits to Germany and Turkey, while several other states have demanded equipment needed for countering coronavirus.
Less than a week ago, Minister of Health and Medical Education Saeed Namaki announced that Iran has taken effective steps towards manufacturing coronavirus vaccine, and the country will start a human trial of the vaccine soon.