Nine Energy Suppliers Ordered to Become DCC Users

Nine energy suppliers are being ordered to become Data Communications Company (DCC) users for the smart meter rollout by Ofgem as it consults on issuing them with final orders to do so.

The regulator said the suppliers – Ampoweruk. Better Energy Supply. Daligas. Enstroga. Entice Energy Supply. Euston Energy (trading as Northumbria). Green Energy Supply. Symbio Energy and UK National Gas – are in breach of the requirement to be DCC users.

All suppliers were required to do so from 25th November 2017. or on exiting the Controlled Market Entry process. to enable the enrolment of first generation smart meters (SMETS1) and drive the installation of next generation (SMETS2) smart meters.

Until the nine suppliers are DCC users. customers with a DCC-connected smart meter who switch to any of these companies will lose the functionality of their technology.

This leaves the smart meters operating as traditional meters with customers needing to provide manual meter readings and unable to access the full benefits of the technology.

Ofgem is mulling on issuing the final orders. which would require each supplier to become a DCC user by 31st March 2020 and would ban them from taking on new customers.

The consultation is open until 3rd February 2020.

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