Iranian Company Unveils Home-Grown Water Desalination System

A knowledge-based Iranian company announced that it has managed to acquire the technology for manufacturing next-generation solar desalination systems.

A knowledge-based company in Iran has acquired the knowledge of producing new generation solar desalination systems.

Desalination is a process that removes minerals from saline water and results in freshwater that can be used for human drinking water. irrigation of farms and agricultural and industrial gardens.

Mohsen Nazari. Managing Director of Arta Javid Asia knowledge-based company. said that the company is active in the design and construction of advanced desalination systems as well as vacuum engineering that operates in the field of water and new technologies of thermal desalination.

We are a leading country and have many projects underway. Nazari added.

He made the remark that solar hybrid systems do not exist at all in the country and there are no other manufacturers in the world except a few companies in Germany and America.

In May. Iranian Energy Minister Reza Ardakanian underlined that his country has gained self-sufficiency in water and power generation industries due to efforts made to use internal capacities during the sanctions era.

Today. Iran has gained self-sufficiency in production of a number of equipment needed for water and wastewater industries and many equipment needed for the power industry due to sanctions. Ardakanian said.

Now. by reliance on internal power. we do not have any deadlock in supplying equipment and implementation of water and electricity projects under any conditions. both under sanctions and when we were not under sanction. he added.

Ardakanian said that by investment. the energy ministry has succeeded in manufacturing many equipment needed to generate power. including gas turbines.

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