Parvin Faghfouri Azar

Global Oil Market Undergoing Historic Shock

The OPEC oil group said on Thursday that the world market for crude is undergoing an unprecedented jolt due to coronavirus mitigation measures that have hit demand. “The oil market is currently undergoing a historic shock that is abrupt, extreme and at global scale,” said the group of producer nations …

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OPEC Sees its Oil Demand Dropping to Lowest in 30 Years

OPEC expects demand for its crude will fall to the lowest in three decades as the coronavirus outbreak freezes the global economy, underscoring the urgency of its promised production cuts. Just under 20 million barrels a day will be needed on average from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries in …

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BP Supercomputer Mobilized for Coronavirus Research

BP is joining forces with the US government, universities, and the world’s largest technology companies by providing access to its supercomputer to help researchers halt the spread of COVID-19. The company will donate its supercomputing capability to the public-private consortium formed in March 2020 by the White House’s Office of …

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Brazil’s Offshore Oil Boom under Influence of $20 Oil

Brazil has suspended its 17th licensing round which would have seen the state oil regulator ANP offering 128 offshore exploration blocks throughout the country, fearing that the plummeting oil prices and unprecedented declines in global crude demand entailing double-digit-percent CAPEX cuts will set the stage for another fiasco. With two …

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IEA Sees Record 2020 Oil Demand Fall due to Coronavirus

Global oil demand will fall by a record amount this year as lockdown measures imposed to curb the coronavirus outbreak bring the economy to a virtual halt, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said Wednesday, April 15. For 2020 overall, demand will fall by 9.3 million barrels per day (mbd), with …

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