Nuclear Energy

World must Commit to Nuclear Arms Reductions

Recalling the disastrous nuclear bombing by the US on Nagasaki 76 years ago, the mayor of the Japanese city on Monday urged world leaders to “commit to nuclear arms reductions.” “In order to follow a single path toward a world free of nuclear weapons amidst these two conflicting movements, world …

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Iran Opens Isotope Technology Labs

Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi inaugurated isotope technologies labs complex in Arak, Markazi province in Western Iran. “The research-production project was funded through the income of Arak Heavy Water Production Plant,” Salehi said addressing the inauguration ceremony on Saturday. He expressed the hope …

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US, India Agree to Build 6 Nuclear Power Plants

The United States and India on Wednesday agreed to strengthen security and civil nuclear cooperation, including building six US nuclear power plants in India, the two countries said in a joint statement. The agreement came after two days of talks in Washington. The United States under President Donald Trump has …

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