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Oil Fields Face Disorderly Shutdown despite OPEC+ Cuts

Some oil fields are set to suffer chaotic stoppages despite efforts by OPEC+ to mitigate the impact of coronavirus on global markets, the International Energy Agency warned. “Lockdown measures have caused unprecedented demand declines, whose speed and magnitude greatly exceed the normal market flexibility of supply,” the Paris-based IEA said …

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Big oil Sees Evidence of A Rebound in Chinese Demand

Some of the world’s largest oil producers are starting to see evidence of a rebound in demand from China, even as other economies around the world remain hobbled by the coronavirus. While it’s still early days into the Chinese recovery, limited initial sales data was encouraging, Irving, Texas-based Exxon Mobil …

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Nord Stream 2 to Fall under EU’s Gas Directive

Nord Stream 2, the underwater gas pipeline meant to connect Germany and Russia via the Baltic Sea, has received another blow as the German Federal Network Agency has rejected Nord Stream’s request for the project to be exempted from the EU’s Gas Directive, according to media reports. Nord Stream 2 …

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Algeria Calls on OPEC+ to Commit to Cut Production

On Thursday, Algerian Energy Minister Mohamed Arkab called on members of the OPEC+ coalition to abide by the agreement to cut oil production from Friday. Arkab, whose country holds the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries’ (OPEC) rotating presidency, announced: “It is necessary for all the concerned countries to fully comply …

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Wind-Turbine Materials Market will Double by 2026

The wind-turbine materials market is expected to double in value to nearly $20 billion in 2026 from today’s value, US-based Frost and Sullivan has forecast. The market analyst outfit expects the market for “structural and non-structural materials” to grow at a compound annual rate of 8.9% — from $10.76 billion …

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OPEC Calls for Full Implementation of OPEC+ Deal

President of the OPEC Conference and Algeria’s Minister of Energy Mohamed Arkab called on OPEC and non-OPEC countries to fully implement the oil production limiting agreement, OPEC says on its website on Saturday. “In the face of unprecedented difficulties facing the oil market, it is of the utmost importance that …

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