epa08645994 (FILE) - A pipeline tube on the construction site of the Nord Stream 2 in Lubmin, Germany, 26 March 2019 (reissued 04 September 2020). Opposition parties have called on German Chancellor Merkel to abandon the joint German-Russian pipeline project Nord Stream 2 in response to the alleged poisoning of Kreml critic Alexei Navalny. EPA-EFE/CLEMENS BILAN

German Foreign Minister Believes Negotiations on Nord Stream 2 with US on Right Track

Germany and the United States have advanced in negotiations on the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline project, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said on Wednesday.
“In recent weeks, a lot of preliminary work has been done, and I believe that our positions have become closer on many points”, Maas said, as quoted by the DPA news agency.
The minister did not specify whether a breakthrough on the matter should be expected during the meeting between US President Joe Biden and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, scheduled to take place later on Wednesday in Washington.
“The important thing is that we have a goal … and I am also confident that we will achieve it”, Maas added without giving any specific deadline.
The Russia-led project, which is nearly complete, aims at transporting natural gas from Russia directly to Germany. Washington has been a vocal opponent to Nord Stream 2, considering it as a threat to European energy independence, and has imposed multiple rounds of sanctions on companies and businessmen engaged in the project.
Berlin, however, continues to support the pipeline’s construction and has condemned Washington’s attempts to disrupt it.

About Parvin Faghfouri Azar

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