Iran Prepared to Conduct Mineral Explorations in Regional Countries

Deputy head of Iran’s Geological Survey and Mineral Explorations (GSI) Mohammad Baqer Dorri said that GSI will apply its modern equipment to do mine explorations in the regional states as the country has done related operations in various regions of the world.
“There are 68 kinds of minerals in Iran and the experts in GSI are prepared to do related explorations in regional countries,” Mohammad Baqer Dorri said.
Earlier, Head of GSI Alireza Shahidi said exploration operations have been done in Tajikistan, Sudan, Niger, Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador.
Noting that few countries have the capability and equipment to extract minerals from a depth of several thousand meters, Iranian official suggested to benefit from other countries’ experiences in the field.
Meanwhile, it was announced on February 26 that Iran had exported 8,500,000 tons of mineral products worth more than $1.4 billion to Iraq, Turkey and Afghanistan in an 8-month period.
Statistics on Iraq shows 5,713,000 tons minerals worth $798m were exported by Iran to the Arab country which is regarded as 50% of the total amount.
Meanwhile, Turkey absorbed 512,000 tons products worth $393m and Afghanistan imported 2,275,000 tons mineral products worth $291m.

About Parvin Faghfouri Azar

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