Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced here on Sunday that the government not only pursues daily production of 2.3 million barrels of oil but also expects the Ministry of Petroleum to prepare the ground for rising the volume even further.
All international and domestic capacities should be used to help Iran fulfill its rightful market, President Rouhani said at an economic session held in Tehran this morning.
Speaking about the US economic war against Iran, the President said next year’s budget bill the government presented to the Parliament focuses on the ways experiences gained during the fight against the economic war and the sanctions can be manipulated.
Those experiences will help nullify the sanctions, make the pressures ineffective, improve welfare and remove obstacles on production, the President added.
Next year’s budget bill is coherent, wise, definite and target-oriented, he underlined, noting that the approval of the bill will prove the government’s determination to solve the problems.
About the conditions created in the country after the pandemic and the unjust sanctions, Rouhani said the government has recently taken quite serious steps to meet the people’s fundamental needs and improve the conditions.
Commenting on a report presented by Minister of Energy Reza Ardakanian on the Iran-Iraq joint commission, the President said developing friendly ties with the neighboring country and following up the implementation of bilateral cooperation are necessary.
A few days ago, Rouhani said, the US sanctioners who had predicted the collapse of Iran’s economy in a short-term period are now leaving the White House while their dreams did not come true.
Although the economic war did create many difficulties, ultimately the Iranian nation won the US war and is now more powerful and resistant than any other time, he said on December 15.