The European Commission will classify nuclear energy and natural gas as clean fuels, giving them access to green finance. This was announced to the European edition “Politico” by the first vice-chairman of the Commission Frans Timmermans.
In an interview published Thursday, Timmermans said:
“I think we need to find a way to recognize that these two energy sources play a role in the energy transition, which does not make them green, but recognizes the fact that zero nuclear emissions are very important to reduce emissions and that natural gas will be very important in the transition from coal to renewable energy.”
Timmermans added that the decision would be made before Christmas, probably on December 22nd, after European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announced a similar intention after the last EU summit in October after talks with European leaders in Brussels.
In the spring, the commission issued guidelines for classifying energy sources, but without nuclear energy and natural gas, over disputes over their environmental friendliness. However, many countries, especially in Eastern Europe, have said they cannot make the green transition to carbon neutrality without continuing to help themselves with nuclear and gas energy while reducing coal use.
In October, Bulgaria joined a French initiative to recognize nuclear energy as clean, but did not support such a natural gas campaign. At the last meeting of European energy ministers last week, Sofia insisted that green finance money could be used to build new nuclear facilities, while asking for concessions to meet some of the EU’s green targets due to their high cost.

TYUMEN REGION, RUSSIA. MARCH 18, 2015. A gas flare at the central oil refinery at Sorovskoye field of the LLC Burneftegaz acquired by Bashneft Group. Maxim Slutsky/TASS
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