Total Launches Battery-Based Energy Storage Project in France

Global energy player Total will build a battery-based energy storage project in France’s Dunkirk port district.
The battery project will be built with an investment of nearly €15m and will have 25MWh storage capacity and 25MW power output.
Total chairman and CEO Patrick Pouyanné said: “This project is part of Total’s strategy to develop the stationary energy storage solutions that are critical to the expansion of renewable energy, which is intermittent by nature.
“It will contribute towards the goal of increasing the share of renewables in France’s energy mix while helping to stabilise the domestic power grid. Total’s involvement in the electricity segment continues to expand.
“With more than 40% allocated storage capacity, Total was the leading winner of the first call for tenders organised by RTE (France’s Electricity Transmission Network).
“This success was made possible thanks to the competencies of Total Flex, a renewable energy aggregation expert, and Saft, the European leader in batteries for energy storage.”
Scheduled for commissioning later this year, the new lithium-ion energy storage system is claimed to be the largest in France.

About Parvin Faghfouri Azar

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