Iraq Ranks Fourth Largest Oil Supplier to China in July

Iraq was the fourth-largest oil exporter to China in July 2024, according to data released by China’s General Administration of Customs on Wednesday.
Iraq shipped 4.36 million metric tons of crude oil to China in July, equivalent to approximately 33.93 million barrels, marking a 12.1% decrease from June 2024, when exports reached 5.7 million metric tons (41.78 million barrels). However, compared to the same month in 2023, Iraq’s exports saw a 14.2% increase, rising from 5.4 million metric tons (39.58 million barrels).
This strong performance secured Iraq’s spot as the fourth-largest oil supplier to China’s independent refineries last month, trailing behind Russia (7.46 million metric tons), Saudi Arabia (6.41 million metric tons), and Malaysia (6.21 million metric tons).

About Parvin Faghfouri Azar

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