offshore windmill park with clouds and a blue sky, windmill park in the ocean aerial view with wind turbine Flevoland Netherlands Ijsselmeer. Green energy ; Shutterstock ID 2064279029; purchase_order: Energy Voice; job: Brian Wilson col May 23

Tajikistan Aims to Generate all Its Electricity from Green Energy Sources by 2032

Tajikistan aims to generate all its electricity from green energy sources by 2032, President Emomali Rahmon said Tuesday.
Rahman made the remarks while attending the International Water Conference in the capital Dushanbe, according to a statement by the Presidency Office.
“We are doubling our efforts as part of the transition to a green economy, and water resources play a key role in achieving this goal. More than 98% of Tajikistan’s electricity is produced by the country’s hydropower resources. We intend to bring this figure to 100% by 2032, ensuring electricity generation fully from green energy resources,” he said.
Tajikistan is also ready to further promote regional cooperation within Central Asia and constructive dialogue on solving key water-related issues, he added.

About Parvin Faghfouri Azar

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