EU Voices Strong Supports for Iran Nuclear Program

Under the terms of the JCPOA. the Joint Commission is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the nuclear deal. the statement reads.

Participants reaffirmed their continued commitment to preserving the JCPOA. They recalled that both nuclear commitments and sanctions-lifting are essential parts of the agreement. EU added.

Participants reaffirmed their strong support and collective responsibility for the nuclear projects (in particular Arak and Fordow) that are an essential part of the JCPOA in order to ensure the exclusively peaceful nature of Iran`s nuclear program. it said. adding that the participants re-iterated the commitments to continue discussions at expert level on sanctions-lifting and nuclear issues.

 It was agreed that a meeting of the Joint Commission at ministerial level would be convened in the near future. the EU statement said.

The extraordinary meeting of the nuclear deal Joint Commission at the deputy foreign ministers level was held in Vienna.

Iran`s Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi and EU foreign policy service`s Secretary General Helga Schmid were co-presiding the session.

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