90% of Nuclear Equipment Domestically Produced

Deputy Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Pejman Shirmardi has said about 90 percent of the equipment in the field of nuclear technology has been domestically produced which is the result of the efforts by the Iranian scientists.
Shirmardi stated on Saturday that approval of the Strategic Action Plan by the Iranian Parliament resulted in production of 60% fuel enrichment and the installation of IR6 centrifuges.
He pointed out that the AEOI’s achievements are the winning card of the negotiating team and the biggest fear of the western negotiator while science and technology used for making the achievements are native.
AEOI deputy chief noted that the sanctions resulted in greater self-confidence, the realization of internal capacities, crossing borders of knowledge and actual realization of Imam Khomeini’s (RA) commandment who said: “We can do it.”
He added that about 90 percent of the equipment in the field of nuclear technology has been domestically produced which is the result of the efforts of the Iranian scientists, and this would not have been achieved if the country depended on foreign powers.
In explaining the goals set in the electricity generation sector, he said, “According to the comprehensive strategic document of the Atomic Energy Organization in Iran’s 1420, the production of 10,000 megawatts of nuclear electricity is envisaged, and the approach of the organization is fully Iranian and indigenous reactor production, along with the use of external capacities; the Arak reactor will be used to produce radioisotopes, and the main goal is to make Iran a hub for the production of radioisotopes with medical use in the region.”
Deputy Chairman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran added that the AEOI aims to compile a comprehensive strategic document in Iran’s 1420 while focusing simultaneously on the hardware sector (power plants, fuel cycle, use of radiation, etc.) and the soft nuclear sector (law, security, economy and nuclear diplomacy), and added: such an approach will lead to social, cultural and economic attachment; along with strengthening foreign relations and using these capacities, “we are seriously pursuing the localization of nuclear industry equipment”.
Regarding new technologies, Shirmardi stated, “In this field, the goal is to pass the research stage and move towards commercialization and popularization of products.”
Quantum technologies and nuclear fusion are examples of this sector, in the field of nuclear fuel cycle, the country has reached maturity and now “we are one of the 13 countries” with a complete nuclear fuel cycle, he added.
Referring to the impact of the approval of the Strategic Action Plan by the Iranian Parliament on the nuclear industry, Shirmardi explained that “this action and its approval was done correctly; This Plan created tasks for the Atomic Energy Organization, which was implemented with the determination and order of the head of the Atomic Energy Organization”.
Among the results of the approval of this Plan, we can mention the production of 60% fuel and the launch of IR6 centrifuges, and the opposite front should know that in case of any immature actions on the western side, the Islamic Republic of Iran will respond with a ready answer.
Regarding the role of the Atomic Energy Organization in the JCPOA and support for the negotiating team, Shirmardi noted, “The arrogant powers are against the management method of the nuclear issue of the Islamic Republic of Iran, now the achievements and actions taken in the Atomic Energy Organization are a winning card for the team.”

About Parvin Faghfouri Azar

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